
Achieve timely compliance with the MDR deadline extension using Opcenter EX MDD and Teamcenter

Engineer in wearing a protective suit and holding a tablet in a manufacturing facility.

On March 20, 2023, the European Union extended the deadlines for compliance with the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2017/745, giving manufacturers of medical devices and diagnostics (MD&D) a crucial opportunity to refine their compliance strategies and cut operational costs. The updated MDR regulations emphasize documentation, traceability and risk management, presenting significant challenges for the medtech industry. Siemens Opcenter EX MDD and Teamcenter offer an integrated digital solution, helping companies efficiently meet these complex requirements, maintain high product quality and ensure continued market access.

Streamline compliance with Opcenter EX MDD and Teamcenter

Siemens Opcenter EX MDD software integrates manufacturing execution and quality management, enforces production standards, automates documentation and supports traceability to meet MDR regulations. Teamcenter complements these capabilities with powerful PLM integration, aligning technical documentation, design requirements and best practices across production processes. Together, these solutions provide full visibility into manufacturing operations, prevent production errors and simplify compliance efforts, positioning your company for success in the evolving regulatory landscape.

Read the article to learn more.


Související zdroje informací

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Výhody, které přináší kombinace malého podniku a rychlejšího inženýrství

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Projděte si tento webinář a zjistěte více o digitální transformaci malých a středních podniků a také o výzvách, kterým musejí čelit, zjištěných na základě průzkumu provedeného společností Lifecycle Insights.

Cesta konstruktéra od konceptu k výrobě

Cesta konstruktéra od konceptu k výrobě

Zjistěte podrobnosti o cestě konstruktéra od konceptu výrobku k jeho výrobě s řešením od společnosti Siemens Digital Industries Software ve čtyřech krocích.