


新的联通性改变了产品及其设计和制造的方式。如何使不同学科的工程师能够无缝而迅速地携手合作变得空前重要。最新产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 软件解决方案可以化繁为简,更轻松地实现这一目标。

使用 PLM 软件存储和访问机械、电气、电子、软件和仿真数据,企业得以提高设计重用率,并且其产品质量和可靠性也在提升。

观看此提前录制的网络研讨会视频,了解 PLM 软件如何帮助工程师更轻松地处理复杂项目协同工作。

工程协同和 PLM 如何融会贯通


正如 Engineering.com 网络研讨会中所述,“智能产品:转向智能、互联设备”(英文),通过观看此视频,观众们会了解到什么是 PLM 软件、它能做什么以及如何帮助企业创新。


在既定的预算范围内按时交付复杂性越来越高的产品变得越来越具有挑战性。像 Teamcenter 和 Teamcenter X 这样的 PLM 软件可通过单一数据源减少这种挑战性。

使用 PLM 软件改进互联产品的多学科协同


放眼所有设计领域,智能、互联产品的转型充满着由日益加剧的复杂性所带来的种种挑战。借助像 Teamcenter 和 Teamcenter X 这样的 PLM 软件,可更加轻松地使一切尽在掌握之中。

阅读这本由 Lifecycle Insights 提供的电子书,探索使企业能够超越复杂性并加快创新的关键技术:数字化双胞胎的 PLM 优势以及可实现智能、互联产品开发的数字线程。

开始用产品生命周期管理软件 Teamcenter X协作

Teamcenter X 是一款灵活、现代化的 PLM 软件套件,可以作为服务交付。它可以帮助你在产品生命周期的每个阶段更加轻松地进行跨学科协同。

Teamcenter X 可自动适应满足您独特的需求,旨在与您的业务共同成长和变化。

欢迎您体验 Teamcenter X 免费试用版。



Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda present on the adoption of High-Level-Synthesis at an existing SystemC system level model.

Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is design flow in which design intent is described at a higher level of abstraction such as SystemC/C++/Matlab/etc.

STMicroelectronics: A Common C++ and UVM Verification Flow of High-Level IP

STMicroelectronics: A Common C++ and UVM Verification Flow of High-Level IP

STMicro presents a unified way to integrate the definition of RTL and C functional coverage and assertion (reducing the coding effort) and a method to add constraints to the random values generated in UVMF.

High-Level Synthesis & Advanced RTL Power Optimization – Are you still missing out?

High-Level Synthesis & Advanced RTL Power Optimization – Are you still missing out?

Discover how C++ & SystemC/MatchLib HLS is more than just converting SystemC to RTL. In the RTL Design space, we will cover our technology for Power Optimization with PowerPro Designer & Optimizer.

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

At the IP level, an ISP was created within a year using Catapult, a task impossible using traditional RTL. To reduce dependency on designer experience, Alibaba introduced an AI-assisted DSE tool.