
PCB design challenge

Design a manufacturable PCB in the first attempt

pcb design dfm

Designing a new PCB as part of a new product introduction is a complex task. The requirements from PCBs increase as they are required to process increasing data rates and route signals in higher speeds. At the same time the requirements grow, the NPI time tends to get shorter and the cost per NPI is reduced. To overcome these challenges that seem to ask more from the designers with less investment and resources, PCB designers must make their designs much more efficient. Only this way, the designers can design denser PCBs, with limited number of layers and still deliver a high-quality design, which does not only answer all of the functional requirements from the PCB, but also is manufacturable and has no supply-chain risks that can jeopardize the delivery of the product to the customers with the appropriate quality.


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PLM(제품 라이프사이클 관리) ROI 계산 도구를 통한 투자 수익 예측

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