
Closing Functional and Structural Coverage on RTL Generated by High-Level Synthesis

Most hardware design teams have a verification methodology that requires a deep understanding of the RTL to reach their verification goals, but this type of methodology is difficult to apply to the machine generated RTL from High-level Synthesis (HLS). This paper describes innovative techniques to use with existing methodologies, for example the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), to close functional and structural coverage on HLS generated code.


관련 자료

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화
White Paper

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화

Simcenter 3D 음향 시뮬레이션 도구를 사용하여 엔지니어가 노트북 및 기타 전자기기의 소음과 소음 품질을 예측하고 최적화하는 방법을 알아보십시오.