Document technique

Context-aware SPICE simulation improves the fidelity of ESD analysis

Dynamic simulation results report next to waveform chart, with arrow connecting numeric voltage output in report to waveform point showing peak voltage for a diode.

Traditional ESD verification using parasitic extraction with SPICE simulation can’t accurately model the dynamic behavior of the circuits in large designs, or provide simulation results in a practical runtime for large blocks or full chips. The Calibre PERC reliability platform context-aware SPICE functionality merges the powerful capabilities of static and dynamic checking, enabling designers to overcome shrinking design margins and tightening schedules while ensuring the fidelity of ESD analysis, regardless of design size.

Innovative context-aware SPICE simulation improves electrostatic discharge analysis for large designs

With the growing complexity, increase in transistor count, and shrinking dimensions of ICs, ESD verification is proving to be a significant challenge at advanced nodes. Traditional ESD verification using parasitic extraction followed by SPICE simulation struggles to accurately model the dynamic behavior of the circuits in large designs, and to provide simulation results in practical runtimes at the large block or full chip level. The Calibre PERC context-aware SPICE simulation brings together the best of both the static and dynamic approaches, combining the physical layout of a component with its electrical implementation, and analyzing that information to evaluate ESD robustness. This context-aware SPICE simulation flow enables designers to achieve accurate ESD analysis for the largest designs at any process node.


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