white paper

Power methodology for estimation and optimization in the ASIC/SoC flow

The Veloce portfolio helps designers avoid costly power mistakes during the ASIC and SoC flow.

The Veloce™ portfolio helps designers avoid costly power mistakes during the ASIC and SoC flow. This detailed look at power methodology during various stages of the design cycle provides insight into a very precise process that can help companies better manage power to achieve optimal PPW and deliver ASIC and SoC innovations faster.

Optimize your power methodology to more quickly achieve your PPW goals

In this white paper, we’ll review the many steps of today’s common ASIC/SoC power methodologies and tool flows. We’ll then propose ways you can further optimize your power methodology to more quickly achieve your PPW goals. Please note, while we acknowledge that energy consumption in digital CMOS logic is a combination of dynamic power and leakage, to keep this white paper to a digestible size we will primarily focus on optimizing a key factor
of dynamic power consumption – specifically the switching power consumed by the charge and
discharge of capacitances in various components like transistors, interconnect and at higher level memory blocks within an ASIC and SoCs. The key factor in the switching activity element of power consumption is stimulus. It is crucial to use realistic workloads during power estimation and analysis.


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