fact sheet

Catapult High-Level Synthesis and Verification Fact Sheet

Design Platform Empowering Designers

Catapult High-Level Synthesis and Verification Flow

Catapult High-Level Synthesis (HLS) has been proven in production design flows with 1,000s of designs and the resulting RTL adheres to the strictest corporate design guidelines and ECO flows. In addition to Catapult HLS, only Catapult has integrated High-Level Verification tools and methodologies that enable designers to complete their verification signoff at the C++ level with fast closure for RTL. Discover this industry leading family of products.

Catapult HLS Productivity Gain

To achieve the maximum productivity gain from a C++/SystemC HLS methodology, it is necessary to have the performance and capacity to handle today’s large designs coupled with a comprehensive flow through verification and implementation.


Related resources

Catapult High-Level Synthesis & Verification
Learning Center Library

Catapult High-Level Synthesis & Verification

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Closing Functional and Structural Coverage on RTL Generated by High-Level Synthesis

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