
Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Streamlining the structural sizing and assessment process from end-to-end.

Engineer performing aerostructure analysis of an airplane on a computer.

Due to the growing number of new and emerging airframe manufacturers, there is more pressure to deliver with shorter lead times and at competitive costs. However, meeting shorter project timelines is challenged by the fact that aircraft engineering teams today use disconnected systems for load generation and management, design, simulation, margin of safety and flutter analysis. Additionally, 60 percent of the nonrecurring cost of a commercial aircraft is spent on the structure, which means that any improvement in the structural analysis process will have a key impact on reducing delays and cost overruns.

Perform end-to-end aerostructure assessment in a fully integrated environment

Simcenter 3D simplifies the modeling process by integrating high-end finite element method (FEM) tools with geometry capabilities that assist the user in developing analysis models faster than with traditional computer-aided engineering (CAE) preprocessors. The Simcenter 3D environment provides all the means to create and manage an aerodynamic model, link it with the structural model, quickly filter critical load cases, and define aeroelasticity analyses. Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety enables structural assessment with standard analytical methods and/or company methods. Download this solution guide to learn more details on how a fully integrated environment for end-to-end aerostructure assessment can help you meet shorter timelines and reduce structural analysis costs.


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