
Continuous, digital handover for plant and facility information

Doba čtení: 2 min
Operator analyzing data on tablet

Handover of asset information from contractor to owner operator (OO) often occurs at the end of a project and as a single “data dump” of documents. This leaves the plant and facility OOs with a pile of data and documents to sort through. The process of validating this information and the manual work associated is very costly. Some studies have shown that up to 98% of OOs experience delays due to poorly filed operational information, while 88% of OOs incur unexpected costs due to information problems following handover. In this infographic, we further define the issues faced by owner operators, describe keys to successful information handover, and outline the benefits of Siemens’ handover solutions.


Související zdroje informací

Jak systémové simulace pomáhají při návrhu lodí

Jak systémové simulace pomáhají při návrhu lodí

Podívejte se na tento webinář, ve kterém zjistíte, jak mohou digitální nástroje transformovat návrhy lodí. Uspokojte všechny požadavky a eliminujte spirálu návrhů.

Simulation process and data management for ship design

Simulation process and data management for ship design

Learn how to create a seamless ship design workflow with simulation and data sharing. Ensure effective collaboration and provide the right information.