
BlueDot:利用 Catapult HLS 加快神經網路型 Deepfield-PQO 的設計速度

BlueDot:利用 Catapult HLS 加快神經網路型 Deepfield-PQO 的設計速度


視訊服務平台公司必須負擔大量成本,才能使編碼的視訊達到更高的畫質及更小的容量。為了解決這個問題,BlueDot 開發出 AI 型編解碼器預處理篩選器,名為 Deepfield-PQO。受制於現有的開發方法且隨著 AI 型演算法變得越來越複雜,設計和驗證作業相當耗時,使開發週期受到限制。為了解決這個問題,我們為 FPGA 導入 HLS 並進行開發,同時導入 Catapult HLS 來定向 ASIC。

導入 Catapult HLS 後,我們開始能靈活因應規格變化以提高效能表現,並透過更簡化協作、驗證和程式碼重用,縮短整體開發週期。



NVIDIA: High-Level Synthesis in Agile System-on-Chip Flows: Overview and Techniques

NVIDIA: High-Level Synthesis in Agile System-on-Chip Flows: Overview and Techniques

This talk provides a brief overview of NVIDIA Research’s use of Catapult HLS and highlights some useful features and flows of the Connections library, such as the ability to back-annotate SystemC simulations.

LG Electronics: Video Encoder IP Design Optimization and Verification Using Catapult

LG Electronics: Video Encoder IP Design Optimization and Verification Using Catapult

In this session, LGE describes a new design approach which concluded that adopting Catapult in IP development increases efficiency in time and cost, and they plan to increase usage in future IP projects.