
The executive's guide to digital manufacturing for heavy machinery

Machinery used in the heavy equipment industry

Achieve strategic goals and objectives in the heavy machinery industry

Recent market conditions have shown that doing business the same way no longer works. Digital manufacturing has become essential to solving complex production problems, improving business, and achieving strategic goals and objectives.

Heavy machinery companies that embrace digital manufacturing are seeing:

  • Greater speed-to-market
  • Reduced risk
  • Increased margins
  • Enhanced market position

In this ebook, learn how heavy equipment executives can overcome the increasing challenges found in manufacturing industries with the help of digital manufacturing.

The digital tools of lean manufacturing

Your manufacturing enterprise incorporates innovative designs, materials, and manufacturing processes on a seemingly continuous basis. Tighter collaboration between product design and manufacturing engineering is the key to promoting lean manufacturing and accelerating innovation with digital tools. Design and manufacturing engineers are empowered to collaborate directly by operating in a common digital ecosystem and sharing a common data infrastructure.

Digital manufacturing reduces risk

The digital twin reduces risk and costly downstream issues by enabling accurate production planning, simulation, and validation. With real-time collaboration between engineering, operations (production), and business systems, companies can accurately verify resource availability, capability, and capacity prior to actual production. Digital manufacturing also allows engineers to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may come up during production.

Increase profit margins in the heavy equipment industry

The market forces of globalization and mass customization create uncertainty and the need for flexibility in the manufacturing enterprise. To increase profit margins in the heavy equipment industry, manufacturers must digitally connect engineering, operations, and the performance of plant resources together with enterprise and automation systems.

This approach ensures optimal performance of operations with closed-loop collaboration, decreases the cost of change, and accelerates innovations while maintaining the highest quality and operational efficiencies.

Siemens digital manufacturing solutions

Manufacturing initiatives must deliver new ways to operate your business today and in the future. Siemens provides robust digital manufacturing solutions that businesses need to stay competitive, forming a stable software foundation for digital business transformation.

Download this ebook to find out how companies can flourish even while their markets experience extraordinary challenges in today’s dynamic manufacturing environment.

