
Production planning in a complex supply chain

How advanced planning and scheduling can improve the performance of your supply chain

A planner uses production planning and scheduling software to manage the supply chain at a manufacturing facility.

Production planning and scheduling for manufacturers continues to become more and more challenging.

Extensive supply chains as well as increasingly complex products and processes contribute to the difficulties associated with production planning.

Production planning and scheduling software delivers the visibility decision-makers need to make more effective decisions and operate more efficiently.

Download this free ebook and find out how forward-thinking companies are implementing production planning and scheduling software to improve the performance of their supply chain.

How Advanced Planning and Scheduling can improve the performance of your supply chain.

Today’s supply chains are more extended and complex, which is why it’s essential to have full visibility into each segment within your supply chain.

Supply chain patterns are dynamic, evolutionary, and complex, and stakeholders need the right resources in front of them to successfully answer planning and scheduling questions.

Fast, effective access to relevant data becomes possible with Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software.

This improved visibility from an APS system plays a significant role in any supply chain management strategy.

APS can largely contribute to the success of the control tower strategy

Forward-thinking manufacturers are using APS software to implement a "control tower strategy."

This supply chain management strategy considers how raw materials are supplied, how shipments take place, how customer sentiment and usage patterns trend and fluctuate, and other aspects of the manufacturing enterprise.

At the center of all these factors is how the product is built, which is why efficient production planning centers around manufacturing operations.

Modern planning technology can help small and large enterprises achieve the efficiencies they need to compete in today’s global marketplace.

Keep your APS systems one step ahead – Siemens delivers integrated automation and process solutions to maximize efficiency

Siemens’ APS system, Opcenter, includes a range of advanced planning and scheduling capabilities using complex algorithms to analyze, simulate and calculate production schedules within minutes.

Siemens Opcenter can be used solely for planning and scheduling, but it’s also designed for integration with other software like ERP, MES, data collection, and more.

This solution can be customized and configured to meet the user’s specific needs.

And regardless of company size, Opcenter facilitates collaboration and communication among entities across the supply chain and provides greater visibility throughout.

Production planning and scheduling is more challenging for manufacturers today

Recent disruptive events continue to highlight supply chain vulnerabilities.

These disruptive events are out of anyone's control, so modern manufacturers must learn to become more flexible when supply chain disruptions or bottlenecks inevitably occur.

Whether it’s local sourcing versus global, changing supplier networks, or ramping up inventories, manufacturers are reimagining supply chain management in a variety of ways.

Production planning and scheduling software can have the biggest impact and facilitate the changes manufacturers need to become more flexible.

Get a free copy of this ebook, “Production planning in a complex supply chain,” and find out how to start improving supply chain performance today.

How APS systems support an effective supply chain management strategy

Modern APS software supports supply chain management strategies through three primary functions:

  1. Modeling complex relationships and interactions of manufacturing environments
  2. Rapid evaluation and analysis of different scenarios
  3. Facilitating cross-functional collaboration, interaction, and breaking down communication silos

Each of these functions supports critical decision-making on production plans.



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