
LG Electronics: Video Encoder IP Design Optimization and Verification Using the Catapult Platform

Picture of LG Electronic's Alpha 11 AI Processor Chip

As the algorithmic complexity of intellectual property (IP) designed for semiconductors increases, the time and effort required for IP development and verification escalates. This shift is contributing to longer development cycles in the semiconductor industry, becoming a major factor delaying time-to-market (TTM). Additionally, optimizing power, performance, and area (PPA) to meet the requirements of various product lines is crucial for competitiveness in the IP landscape. This necessitates efficient development and verification of complex IP blocks, as well as enhancing productivity through IP reuse, which is challenging due to the need for managing various hardware versions of complex base logic, making maintenance difficult. To address this, LG Electronics’ SoC Center has adopted CatapultTM HLS (High-Level Synthesis) and used it to design a highly complex video encoder. Through this new design approach, LG Electronics’ SoC Center concluded that adopting Catapult in IP development significantly increases efficiency in terms of time and cost, and there are plans to increase the use of Catapult in their future IP development projects.



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Analyst Report

产品生命周期管理(PLM)ROI 计算器预测投资回报

了解产品生命周期管理软件如何通过提高设计和工程性能来收回成本。衡量 PLM 的投资回报。

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满足产品需求和如期交付的杰出 PLM 策略

满足产品需求和如期交付的杰出 PLM 策略

有关工程主管两大难题的调查结果——满足产品需求 (53%) 和如期交付 (45%),可通过本电子书中介绍的五大策略解决。



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