
Closed-loop manufacturing

closed loop machinery

As a manufacturing leader, whether you have embarked on your digitalization journey, are laying the plans or just determining your course, one fact is clear: The journey must be taken if you want to continue to be a manufacturing leader in the next decade. Closed-loop manufacturing is the cornerstone of this digitalization journey.

This white paper explains the complexity of what manufacturers should be anticipating on their digital transformation journey, and what they should do now to capture the advantages this new era promises. How can they create a technology infrastructure capable of harnessing the power of massive data, and then convert that data into greater efficiency and quality?

There are many disciplines involved, but at the heart of manufacturing is where our envisioned products becomes real – production. The center of the digital infrastructure is manufacturing operations management (MOM). We look at MOM within the overall architecture, and detail the characteristics required for closed-loop manufacturing in the Digital Enterprise.



什么是 PLM?为何选择云端 PLM?

什么是 PLM?为何选择云端 PLM?

什么是 PLM?了解快速、实惠的西门子云端 Teamcenter X 如何帮助更快将创新产品推向市场。了解更多信息。



CAD 有什么不足之处?如果浪费 CAD 设计时间,则其存在不足。

改善 CAD 管理以实现更高的设计效率和公司盈利能力

改善 CAD 管理以实现更高的设计效率和公司盈利能力

Siemens Digital Industries Software 的产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 解决方案包括数字化产品开发、数字化制造和产品数据管理。