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放眼今日全球市场,中小企业面临的来自客户和 OEM 厂商的压力与日俱增,这迫使他们必须加快生产速度,力争以更低的成本交付更好的产品。为了满足这一需求,就必须打破数据孤岛、增加协同并运用一流的产品生命周期 (PLM) 软件。借助西门子的加速工程解决方案,贵公司可以运用统一的数字化平台,将业务所有方面整合在一起,其中包括全面的数字孪生。


采用合适的软件工具,贵公司就能在当今充满挑战的环境中蓬勃发展。西门子中小型企业软件集在可扩展的平台上提供贵公司更快、更高效运营所需的所有软件。我们将此产品称为 Siemens Xcelerator。这种软件即服务产品可以通过灵活的许可方式、轻松的部署和持续不断的改进功能来助力降低 IT 运维成本。

  • 将完全集成式的设计运用于生产过程,就可以不再依赖过时、缓慢的流程。
  • 无论贵公司规模大小如何,均可提高工艺效率和速度,同时改进产品质量
  • 通过专为提供精确、实时产品数据而设计的仿真功能,在设计过程早期消除成本高昂的生产错误。


我们开发的软件集能够满足贵公司如今和未来的需求。一些大型全球企业正在采用西门子软件,因此对于随着贵公司一同扩展,我们已经做足准备。如果贵公司打算试用 SMB 软件集,不妨关注以下几个方面:

  • 领略 CAD/CAM/CAE 数据的协同工作方式以及如何通过改善现有流程实现更高水平的生产效率。
  • 体验功能足够强大到走向世界的创新前沿制造技术。
  • 连通各种制造工作流、产品数据和团队。这就意味着,贵公司可以立刻完成设计验证,为快速生产扫除障碍。



CEA: Bridging the Gap Between Neural Network Exploration and Hardware Implementation

CEA: Bridging the Gap Between Neural Network Exploration and Hardware Implementation

CEA presents a methodology that bridges the open-source DL framework N2D2 and Catapult HLS to help reducing the design process of hardware accelerators, making it possible to keep pace with new AI algorithms.

Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda present on the adoption of High-Level-Synthesis at an existing SystemC system level model.

Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is design flow in which design intent is described at a higher level of abstraction such as SystemC/C++/Matlab/etc.

STMicroelectronics: A Common C++ and UVM Verification Flow of High-Level IP

STMicroelectronics: A Common C++ and UVM Verification Flow of High-Level IP

STMicro presents a unified way to integrate the definition of RTL and C functional coverage and assertion (reducing the coding effort) and a method to add constraints to the random values generated in UVMF.

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

At the IP level, an ISP was created within a year using Catapult, a task impossible using traditional RTL. To reduce dependency on designer experience, Alibaba introduced an AI-assisted DSE tool.