
Pillar four: model-based systems engineering

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From system requirements to implementation and manufacturing, a Model-based Systems Engineering approach allows team members to view the entire system (electronic, electrical, mechanical, and software) and model pieces of that system defining and optimizing interconnectivity and traceability from one domain to the other.

Why is model-based systems engineering important?

  • Helps companies accelerate time to market
  • Allows teams to perform simulations early
  • Enables early trade-off analysis
  • Optimizes system integration

Learn more about Model-Based Systems Engineering.



通过高效的飞机地面共振测试 (GVT) 加快适航认证
White Paper

通过高效的飞机地面共振测试 (GVT) 加快适航认证

通过Simcenter 加快适航认证 – 了解如何执行更加高效的飞机地面共振测试 (GVT)



网络研讨会 - 简化地面振动试验和颤振认证,更快更安全地实现首航。

Accelerate ground vibration tests and increase efficiency in the aircraft certification process

Accelerate ground vibration tests and increase efficiency in the aircraft certification process

Performing a ground vibration test more efficiently. Learn how to increase efficiency in identifying modal parameters of large vibrating structures.