
The marine industry in 2030: Getting to Shipyard 4.0

Smart shipyards, also known as Shipyard 4.0, leverage new digital technologies, such IoT and automation, to streamline manufacturing operations.

New design and manufacturing technologies, automation, and data exchange will transform the way vessels are built. The future of shipbuilding is smart, connected, and optimized.

Learn how digitalization can help you get to Shipyard 4.0 and get ready for 2030!

About the “marine industry in 2030” thought-leadership series

What will the marine industry look like in 2030? We asked Monica Schnitger, naval architect and principal analyst at Schnitger Corporation, to answer this question for us. The result is a set of six briefs, each covering a different angle of the future of shipping. This brief focuses on one of the top challenges the marine industry is facing today: getting to the digital shipyard.

More in the series



Solution Brief



Propelling change in ship design

Propelling change in ship design

Watch our video to find out the benefits of adopting an integrated approach to ship design and engineering.

2030 年的船舶行业:应对现今的挑战
Analyst Report

2030 年的船舶行业:应对现今的挑战

航运可持续发展将是 2030 年船舶行业的核心所在。阅读我们免费提供的分析师报告,了解如何利用数字化来优化船舶性能。