Artykuł techniczny

Surviving the electronics revolution through a digital strategy

Surviving the Electronics Revolution Through a Digital Strategy

The drive to integrate differentiated electronics into products is forcing companies to transform their businesses or risk losing leadership to become a me-too player, where the only option to differentiate is through a lower price. Manufacturing needs to become nimble, able to react to sudden market/consumer driven changes without productivity sapping reconfiguration. Survival requires Digital Transformation. Digitalization breaks down these barriers so you “start integrated and stay integrated.”

Driving transformation with strategy

To deliver such a comprehensive digitalization capability requires a comprehensive roadmap and vision encompassing commitment, focus and investment. Siemens has put in place a roadmap that delivers with investment in three initiative areas:

  • Integration across the design process and resources
  • Shared design data that is context specific
  • Improved intelligence that provides actionable information and feedback loops

We will bring transformation to your business so you can deliver differentiated products on-time with quality and profitability. To learn more about digital transformation, visit.


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