omówienie technologii

Raising the five pillars of digital transformation for next generation electronics systems design

Szacowany czas: 2 min

The electronics industry is fast approaching a new era of digital transformation. Digital technologies bring together all the aspects of product design, including mechanical and electronics, and streamline the entire design process — from product inception through to manufacturing.

To bring about this digital transformation, companies need to put five essential capabilities – or pillars – in place that help them overcome challenges.

How digital transformation helps Siemens clients

Digital transformation enables PCB designers to create digital twin of their products and potentially create new processes to overcome various challenges in their design cycle.

It allows PCB engineers to start testing their designs by performing simulations in the early stage of the design flow which can help accelerate the product development process and shorten their time to market.

Siemens EDA, a part of Siemens Digital Industries Software, has the necessary tools to help organizations put the five essential pillars of digital transformation in place so that companies can turn the promises of the coming digital transformation era into real opportunities today.

To Learn More about Digital Transformation, please Visit.

Benefits of digital transformation

  • Shorter design cycle time
  • Faster time to market
  • Get the design right the first time
  • Address the product, organizational and process complexity challenges


Powiązane treści

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Sprawne zarządzanie danymi podnosi wydajność rozwoju produktu

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Wartość biznesowa ograniczenia pożeraczy czasu wśród inżynierów i podniesienia wydajności prac

Małe i średnie firmy mogą ograniczyć straty czasu wśród inżynierów i rozwijać swoją działalność lub podnieść marże. Wyniki badania Tech-Clarity.

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