omówienie rozwiązania

Using Simcenter to predict system NVH performance

Solution brief - Using Simcenter to predict system NVH performance

Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performance evaluation is a key focus in new vehicle development. The introduction of electrification and modular platforms presents new challenges. In addition, electric engines are quieter than traditional internal combustion engines (ICEs), so the noise from tires or auxiliaries isn’t masked. This makes it difficult to complete all necessary NVH tests within budget and in a reasonable amount of time.

The pressure on NVH engineering is constantly increasing. The automotive industry is facing a renewed need to address specific NVH challenges at the component, subsystem, and full-vehicle levels.

This solution brief highlights the advantages of Siemens Digital Industries Software's NVH prediction solution.

An integrated approach for designing premium NVH and acoustic quality

Engineers require new tools to improve performance through in-depth analysis. An integrated approach is required to design for premium NVH and acoustic quality. Whether it's interior or exterior acoustics, intake or exhaust noise, engine acoustics, brake noise, or auxiliary noise, Siemens Digital Industries Software has a solution.

This solution brief describes the challenges and solutions for predicting system NVH performance using Simcenter.

Predict NVH performance at any stage of development and design

The NVH prediction solution was created to be the ideal blend of technology and usability. A modular virtual assembly can be created by anyone at any stage of development and design to predict NVH performance.


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