omówienie rozwiązania

Ship maintenance software: Extend vessel safety and availability

Czas czytania: 7 min
The digital twin of a cargo ship entering port.

The shipping industry is in choppy waters. Shipowners and operators need to maximize profit margins by improving vessel availability and lowering operational costs. At the same time, the rise of information and communication technology (ICT) is opening new horizons for shipping companies and shipbuilders alike. The marine industry can capitalize on this sea of newly available data with this improved ship maintenance software.

The new ship service and maintenance model

This approach relies on implementing a service data collection and management system that links to the comprehensive digital twin as the single source of truth for all vessel performance and service needs. It facilitates shipyards’ transition to a more service-oriented business model and enables ship owners and operators to extend assets’ safety, operational availability and reliability while reducing the costs associated with maintenance, repairs and conversions.

Predictive maintenance for marine vessels

There is a lot to be learned from a vessel in operation. The digital twin enables operational and service data analytics to be fed back to the design teams to help them further optimize product performance, improve service quality and minimize the lifecycle costs of current and future designs. IoT sensors and data analytics enable real-time condition monitoring of onboard systems and proactive forecasting of failures, allowing for effective predictive maintenance for marine vessels.

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