
Issue 7: Surfing, skiing, snowboarding and sailing… and this is work?

Our lead article transports you to Hawaii and the Surf Engineering Association (SEA), the methodologies presented at that ‘flip-flop symposium’ are some of the most disruptive and exciting engineering technologies of our time.

A woman underwater on a surfacing board.

2021 is a year of firsts for me, the first time writing the introduction to our magazine, Engineer Innovation, the first time it is in the exciting new fully-digital format and the first time I have heard of a ‘Flip-flop engineering symposium’. Our lead article transports you to Hawaii and the Surf Engineering Association (SEA), the methodologies presented at that ‘flip-flop symposium’ are some of the most disruptive and exciting engineering technologies of our time.

Read issue 7

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Inżynieria projektowa – Program nauczania NX

Inżynieria projektowa – Program nauczania NX

Inżynieria projektowa – Program nauczania NX

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