
Manufacturing Operations Management with Opcenter Execution Discrete

An illustration of a factory shows how manufacturing operations management software connects everything together.

Machine builders and equipment manufacturers must digitalize their production-related functions to compete and succeed in today’s global economy.

Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) solutions optimize production efficiency by improving overall visibility.

This free infographic highlights what manufacturers and the industrial machinery industry need to know about MOM, including 13 reasons to focus on MOM, nine features to look for in a MOM solution, and what a complete MOM solution looks like.

Opcenter Execution Discrete is a MOM solution from Siemens capable of meeting the needs for planning and scheduling, manufacturing execution, quality management, manufacturing intelligence, and more.

Modern machine shops embrace manufacturing operations management

Modern machine shops achieve end-to-end visibility with a holistic approach to manufacturing operations management (MOM).

Software solutions like Opcenter Execution Discrete connect automated operations equipment and systems on the shop floor to the decision-makers in product development, manufacturing engineering, production, and enterprise management.

Complete visibility within a modern machine shop makes it easier to identify areas for improvement and make operational adjustments for smoother and more efficient production.

The digital factory improves visibility, reduces costs

As industrial machinery continues its digital transformation, machine builders and equipment manufacturers are taking advantage of the data acquired from people, equipment, and systems.

Data from the digital factory offers better visibility into the processes and equipment within the real factory.

The added visibility helps to identify any problems and areas of opportunity, and the digital factory data can be leveraged to prioritize continuous improvement and efficiency initiatives.

In the end, improved efficiency reduces overall costs and improves production.

Closed-loop communication for industrial machinery

Closed-loop communication for industrial machinery connects every process from product engineering to manufacturing and everything in between.

In short, engineers and management have a more holistic view of information found within manufacturing operations and product lifecycle management systems.

This approach accelerates time to market while maintaining quality and compliance requirements.

Download the free infographic for a broad overview of everything manufacturing operations management has to offer.


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