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NX X Value Based Licensing add-on modules

The back of a SIEMENS eRod vehicle designed and rendered in NX CAD.

Siemens’ NX software supports every aspect of product development, from concept through engineering and manufacturing. The NX™ X Design software offers four preconfigured cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions: NX X Essentials, NX X Design Standard, NX X Design Advanced, and NX X Design Premium targeted to specific product development disciplines and issues.

You can extend and improve the functionality of the NX X Design Standard, Advanced and Premium solutions with over 100 NX X Value Based Licensing add-on modules that enable solutions to be configured to specific requirements with specialized design tools and numerous solutions that are part of the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio.

Benefits of NX X Value Based Licensing

Token-licensing in NX X provides a cost-effective method for anyone to run a range of NX add-on modules. With just one single subscription price, you can access over 100 add-on modules in the token pool. Simply check-in and check-out modules on demand as needed. Add-on modules are regularly added to the token licensing pool each release without any additional cost.

NX X CAD add-on modules categories

The NX X Design solutions add-on modules include applications for:

  • Core design
  • Industrial design and styling
  • Product design
  • Model-based definition capabilities
  • Knowledge reuse
  • Design validation
  • Routed systems
  • Complete development of electrical systems
  • PCB design tools
  • Jigs, fixtures and tooling
  • Industry-specific applications
  • Part manufacturing
  • Mechatronic design


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