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The future of heavy equipment performance engineering


An increase in environmental regulations and functionality requires heavy equipment manufacturers to modernize their development procedures. So what tools and methodologies can manufacturers use to aid their development process and ensure they remain competitive? Read this executive brief for a quick overview of how combining simulation, testing and MBSE is the key to the future of heavy equipment performance engineering.

Model-based systems engineering allows companies to collaborate seamlessly

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) involves a more disciplined digital approach. By moving from document-based to model-based program management methods, companies can collaborate seamlessly, both internally and with suppliers and customers.

Accelerate performance validation using configuration management

How your data, models and configurations are managed is key to the successful deployment of an MBSE approach within your organization. Configuration management allows you to accelerate performance validation, capitalize on the engineering work undertaken to realize the digital twin and guarantee model consistency and traceability across your enterprise.

Review the latest brief and learn how an MBSE approach throughout the development cycle allows heavy equipment manufacturers to cost-effectively handle complex innovation programs.


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