
Tackling food safety management with digital solutions

Tackling new food safety challenges with digital solutions

Changes to both our planet and human well-being are spawning a surprisingly broad set of implications for the food and beverage industry regarding product safety, forcing manufacturers to protect their products from new and recurring risks. F&B companies must safeguard their products against both perennial and new risks.

Modern research, development, and integrated digital solutions, such as laboratory (RD&L) capabilities, assist food and beverage facilities in ensuring and documenting product safety, extending food safety management from farm to fork that addresses both current and future challenges.

Download this article to learn how to integrate efficiency into food safety.

Food and beverage safety standards

As food and beverage risks evolve, food and beverage companies have redefined safety standard goals, in some cases in response to new regulatory and retailer mandates. These objectives can be summed up in one requirement: the factory's doors must be open at all times for an unscheduled audit. To meet this requirement continuously, F&B producers must manage and document compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices throughout their value chain.

R&D food industry solutions ensure product safety within facilities

A modern research, development, and laboratory (RD&L) solution is the foundation of a solid food safety management solution. RD&L capabilities aid in ensuring and documenting product safety throughout F&B facilities, from inbound to outbound. RD&L solution integrated with other digital systems extends food safety management end-to-end - from farm to fork.

Opcenter RD&L has been designed with food safety management features

Food and beverage safety risks evolve over time and across regions, communities, and the globe. Producers want to ensure that they have suitable systems to ensure and promptly demonstrate food safety - both now and in the future. Opcenter RD&L was designed not only with powerful food safety management features required today but also with the agility to support product safety as your company grows and evolves to meet tomorrow's challenges. 


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