raport analityka

The marine industry in 2030: Building a smart ship

Czas czytania: 7 min
With marine IoT and marine analytics, data from smart vessels in operation can be analyzed to help operators maximize uptime and profit.

Tumultuous doesn’t begin to describe today’s maritime economy. Faced with so much uncertainty, how can ship owners/operators keep tighter control over vessel operations? By taking the digital twin to sea and leveraging marine analytics to maximize profit and uptime.

Learn why smart vessels are the future of the marine industry, and get ready for 2030!

Virtual representation of design with the digital twin ship

The digital twin ship connects systems throughout the lifecycle, from design through construction and maintenance. Connecting to onboard sensors provides operators access to data that enables vessel performance monitoring. Managing risk and reducing operating costs begins with the digital twin; upskill crew members by providing valuable data to become more efficient and sustainable for the future. Learn more about how adopting digital technologies is critical for the future of the marine industry, by reading this analyst report.

Smart boat technology

Core strategic objectives of ship owners and operators may be guided by smart boat technology. Understanding cost drivers, reducing margins, and maximizing efficiencies-all begin with an integrated data environment. Read more about solutions that advanced analytics can provide in this analyst report, and be sure to better suit your enterprise for the future of the marine industry.

About the “marine industry in 2030” thought-leadership series

What will the marine industry look like in 2030? We asked Monica Schnitger, naval architect and principal analyst at Schnitger Corporation, to answer this question for us. The result is a set of six briefs, each covering a different angle of the future of shipping. This brief focuses on one of the top challenges the marine industry is facing today: using the digital twin to build a smart vessel.

More in the series


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