
Simcenter solutions for respiratory device simulation

예상 소요 시간: 44분
Healthcare provider in a mask and face shield using a syringe to extract liquid from a vile.

In the medical device industry, device recall rates have been increasing for years due to design flaws. As a result, many companies are turning to simulation to address these problems. Simulation enables rapid and thorough design exploration, which minimizes the risk of unforeseen design flaws and recalls.

The Simcenter ™ software portfolio, which is part of the Siemens Xcelerator™ portfolio, contains a diverse range of solutions to support innovation for designers and analysts. Simcenter enables complex scenario simulation, design exploration and testing capabilities.

The case studies featured in this white paper illustrate the role of Multiphysics simulation in the design of respiratory devices, and in assessing the effectiveness of measures used to taken to limit the spread of airborne pathogens.

Impact of COVID-19 on the respiratory device market

COVID-19 has become one of the deadliest pandemics in recorded history, with over 4.17 million deaths confirmed so far. The pandemic has altered the way we interact with each other and irreversible changed many sectors of the global economy. Some sectors of the medical device market were impacted more than others. The orthopedic, cardiovascular and dental sectors were affected when elective procedures came to a halt and the supply chain was disrupted. However, other sectors experienced growth in 2020.

The pandemic has dramatically increased the demand for respiratory devices, such as ventilators, oxygen concentrators and oxygen measurement devices. The demand for hospital supplies increased, which caused the global market for ventilators to rise by more than 300%. COVID-19 requires rapid therapeutic respiratory device development and testing. Because the pandemic is not over, the medical device industry must continue to adapt to the changing landscape.

Benefits of turning toward simulation

The medical device industry is no stranger to the fast-moving pace. Manufacturers feel the pressure to increase innovation speed to stay relevant and produce life-saving devices. Typically, effective testing is not fast due to long durations of clinical trials. Therefore, companies are looking to simulation to help accelerate testing.

The use of simulation enables efficient design and testing of respiratory devices. It is also effective in predicting particle movement, which enables ventilation and COVID contamination investigation. Using simulation enables a greater amount of design exploration than what is possible with physical prototypes. Download this white paper to learn more about companies that have adopted simulation to help fight the pandemic.


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더 나은 설계를 더 빠르게 탐색: 생명 과학 산업에서의  다분야 시뮬레이션 및 설계 탐색

더 나은 설계를 더 빠르게 탐색: 생명 과학 산업에서의 다분야 시뮬레이션 및 설계 탐색

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