
Easy, fast and accurate DFA analysis with immediate results

PCB designers can now ensure that their PCB design is both functional and manufacturable

Validating PCB design with a PCB manufacturer is time-consuming. It usually takes several days to get feedback; by then, most designers are working on some different projects, requiring them to pivot back and dig in again to the original project.

PCBflow offers designers an easy, fast and accurate way to run their design through comprehensive DFA analysis for specific manufacturers – with immediate results. No more waiting days for feedback. It empowers any PCB designer to check every design against different manufacturers constraint sets. The interactive report guides the designer to any violation the system has found.


관련 자료

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화
White Paper

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화

Simcenter 3D 음향 시뮬레이션 도구를 사용하여 엔지니어가 노트북 및 기타 전자기기의 소음과 소음 품질을 예측하고 최적화하는 방법을 알아보십시오.