기술 문서

Ready for curvilinear: New innovations for resistance extraction

Screen capture from a design tool showing a MEMs device with curvilinear shapes.

The rapid evolution of semiconductor industry, fueled by the propagation of IOT applications, image sensors, photonics and MEMS applications and other emerging technologies dramatically increased the complexity of IC design. Designers often use unconventional structures to achieve the desired functionality and optimal performance. For example, image sensors use wide polygons in the layout and a broad range of applications use MEMS designs with curvilinear shapes and unconventional geometries. These features introduce challenges for resistance extraction. Being able to accurately model resistance values is essential for predicting circuit behavior through simulation, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the overall circuit performance.

With the increasing demand for unconventional shapes, various fracturing techniques have emerged for rule-based engines, offering improved accuracy and efficiency over traditional field solvers for resistance extraction for different applications. This paper describes various fracturing techniques for accurate resistance extractions in complex structures and covers best practices for next-generation extraction tools.

What you'll learn:

  • What are the challenges to accurate resistance extraction for curvilinear shapes
  • Why resistance extraction is important in IC design physical verification
  • What fracturing techniques are used for resistance extraction
  • How advanced fracturing is essential for accurate resistance extraction of curvilinear shapes
  • Best practices for next-generation extraction tools

““Innovative fracturing techniques allow next-generation extraction tools offer accurate resistance extraction for various design scenarios, ensuring reliable performance and efficiency in IC designs.” -Nada Tarek, Siemens EDA product engineer and author

Who should read this:

  • Physical verification engineers and IC designers interested in accurate resistance extraction for curvilinear designs
  • IC and SoC designers interested in the latest advancements in resistance extraction


관련 자료

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