팩트 시트

Think Big, start small and scale fast with Siemens Opcenter production management solutions!

Think Big, start small and scale fast with Siemens Opcenter production management solutions!

Siemens Opcenter is our cost-efficient out-of-the-box and configurable solution for production management. It is quick to implement, optimally helps users in their daily work and sustainably supports the reduction of the production costs while increasing product quality.

Opcenter contains solutions for:

  • Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
  • Quality Management (CAQ, QM)
  • Laboratory Management (LIMS, R&D, specification & formulation)

Small companies to large enterprises alike within all kinds of industries already take advantage of Opcenter and our vast industrial know-how & software portfolio.


Some voices of our customers

“ Everything Opcenter provides are key and are cornerstones of digital decision making in manufacturing.”

Allan Pedersen, IT Senior Director, Danfoss

“ We’re impressed with the modern platform and out-of-the-box capabilities for medical devices from Opcenter that can easily be configured to mold to our manufacturing operations.”

Pankaj Tiwari, VP Information Technology, Penumbra

“ Opcenter has become our sole quality information and communication platform. It has greatly enhanced efficiency.”

Georg Theobald, Quality Manager, Pepperl+Fuchs

“ With Opcenter we have gained 16 hours per week for the planner resource dedicated to sequencing production.”

Jordi Barbero, Supply Chain Manager, Chocolates Valor

Let's break new ground together! Fill the form, download the Opcenter overview or contact one of our Opcenter experts in your region to start your journey!


관련 자료

산업용 기계를 위한 APS(고급 계획 및 스케줄링)

산업용 기계를 위한 APS(고급 계획 및 스케줄링)

고급 계획 및 스케줄링 소프트웨어를 통해 더 나은 가시성을 확보하고 제조 프로세스를 개선하십시오. 이 eBook을 통해 자세히 알아보십시오.

Closed-loop 제조 - 제조 운영 관리로 스마트 제조 지원
White Paper

Closed-loop 제조 - 제조 운영 관리로 스마트 제조 지원

Closed-loop Manufacturing: Using manufacturing operations management to power smart manufacturing