
Increasing productivity throughout the testing cycle

Delivering a solution for all your measurement needs

Manufacturers are challenged to find the optimal balance between various requirements such as energy efficiency, noise and vibration, and durability when developing new products. Test departments are under a lot of pressure. Increasing product complexity necessitates test engineers handling a wide range of physical parts and planning additional validation activities early in the design process.

Simcenter SCADAS hardware's performance, precision, and flexibility make it an excellent data acquisition system with a wide range of engineering applications for manufacturing industries.

Download the eBook to learn how to increase your testing productivity from instrumentation to reporting.

Versatile, scalable high precision measurement tools to get to the root of the problems

Simcenter SCADAS systems offer test engineers versatile and scalable high-precision measurement tools that can be used to conduct productive measurements during all development stages. The solution allows you to quickly gain insight into the root cause of the problems.

A broad range of engineering applications

The Simcenter SCADAS suite includes handheld solutions, compact and portable mobile units, autonomous smart recorders, and high-channel-count laboratory data acquisition systems.

SCADAS hardware solutions include:

  • Simcenter SCADAS Lab – a high-performance laboratory solution
  • Simcenter SCADAS Mobile – designed for testing productivity
  • Simcenter SCADAS Recorder – for data recording without your PC
  • Simcenter SCADAS XS – a handheld solution for noise and vibration testing
  • Simcenter SCADAS RS – for use in harsh environments

This eBook explores the Simcenter SCADAS family of testing solutions with multipurpose functionalities.


관련 자료

2030년의 해양 산업: 디지털 선단의 모색
Analyst Report

2030년의 해양 산업: 디지털 선단의 모색

최고의 업계 분석가가 디지털 트윈 및 스마트 기술을 활용하여 선단 운영 최적화에 도움이 되는 통찰력을 확보할 수 있는 방법을 설명합니다.

2030년의 해양 산업: 스마트 선박 제작
Analyst Report

2030년의 해양 산업: 스마트 선박 제작

해양 분석 및 해양 IoT는 조선업체를 위한 무한한 가능성을 이끌어 나가고 있습니다. 스마트 선박이 오늘날의 불확실한 해양 경제를 헤쳐 나가는 데 어떻게 도움이 되는지 알아보십시오.

2030년의 해양 산업: 디지털 해양 인력
Analyst Report

2030년의 해양 산업: 디지털 해양 인력

디지털화는 해양 산업을 근본적으로 변화시키고 있습니다. 현실 기술을 사용하여 선박 운영, 승선원 교육을 개선하고 원격 지원을 활성화하는 방법을 알아보십시오.