
Introduction to Digital Transformation

Teach Introduction to Digital Transformation in your classroom

This course focuses on how technology can be used as a competitive advantage in today’s business environment. First, current trends in computing, visual, connectivity and artificial intelligence are outlined with an emphasis on their impact to businesses. Next, we look at digital tools for design, manufacturing, and usage of products. Finally, we look at the applications of these technologies and digital tools across eight key industries. Upon completion of this course, your students will be able to:

  • Summarize digital transformation - what, how and why
  • Outline important technical trends within today’s economy
  • Identify digital tools that can be applied to transform business processes
  • Apply digital transformation to a variety of industries


관련 자료

PLM Curriculum Package의 비즈니스 가치

PLM Curriculum Package의 비즈니스 가치

처음 수신 등록하십니까? 곧 전송될 이메일에서 수신 동의 여부를 확인해 주십시오.

NX Curriculum Package을 사용한 엔지니어링 설계

NX Curriculum Package을 사용한 엔지니어링 설계

NX Curriculum을 사용한 엔지니어링 설계