분석 보고서

The marine industry in 2030: Meet today’s challenges

Sustainable shipping will be at the heart of the marine industry in 2030. Increasing vessel performance will be key in shaping a green future.

Sustainable shipping is a major priority in marine today. The IMO has set ambitious emission targets for 2030 and 2050. Meeting them requires that vessel performance be optimized from design to operations.

Learn how digitalization can help you increase ship efficiency today and get ready for 2030!

About the “marine industry in 2030” thought-leadership series

What will the marine industry look like in 2030? We asked Monica Schnitger, naval architect and principal analyst at Schnitger Corporation, to answer this question for us. The result is a set of six briefs, each covering a different angle of the future of shipping. This brief focuses on one of the top challenges the marine industry is facing today: sustainable shipping.

More in the series


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Teamcenter X SaaS PLM이 제공하는 패스트 트랙

Teamcenter X SaaS PLM이 제공하는 패스트 트랙

사용과 액세스가 쉬운 Teamcenter X SaaS PLM에 대해 알아보십시오.

최신 클라우드 PLM을 통한 제품 개발 가속화

최신 클라우드 PLM을 통한 제품 개발 가속화

최신 클라우드 PLM을 통해 제품 개발 속도를 높일 수 있습니다! 본 무료 ebook에서 CIMdata의 모범 사례와 전략을 알아보십시오.