
Navigating the enterprise bill of materials complexity

A framework driven approach for multi domain and multi disciplinary bill of materials management

Two people looking at a smart tablet in a work setting

In today's complex manufacturing environment, managing Bill of Materials (BOM) across multiple domains and disciplines poses significant challenges. This white paper presents a framework-driven approach for implementing an enterprise BOM strategy that aligns with business goals while enhancing efficiency and innovation.

Implement an enterprise bill of materials framework that breaks down silos, enhances collaboration, and drives digital transformation

As product complexity continues to rise, traditional approaches to bill of materials management are becoming unsustainable. Organizations need a data centric strategy that facilitates knowledge driven closed loop processes and lean workflows. This comprehensive guide explores how companies can implement an enterprise bill of materials framework that breaks down silos, enhances collaboration, and drives digital transformation.

The paper examines key challenges in current bill of materials management practices and presents a strategic framework built on three pillars: connectivity with upstream systems, centralized product lifecycle management systems, and integration with downstream applications. Through real world examples and industry insights, learn how leading organizations are revolutionizing their bill of materials management to achieve greater efficiency, traceability and competitive advantage.



Analyst Report



2030年の海洋業界:  海洋産業のデジタル・ワークフォース
Analyst Report

2030年の海洋業界: 海洋産業のデジタル・ワークフォース


Solution Brief


海運業は厳しい局面を迎えています。不安定な経済が競争の激しい海運市場に影響を与え続けるなか、船主や運航会社は利益率を最大化するために運航の可用性向上と運航コスト削減を求められています。一方で、ICT (情報通信技術) の普及により、データの収集、交換、解析はかつてないレベルへと進化し、海運会社や造船会社に新たな可能性をもたらしています。では、海洋産業はこの新たに利用可能な大量のデータをどのように活用できるでしょうか。