
Surviving the three phases of high density advanced packaging design

Surviving the Three Phases of High Density Advanced Packaging Design

The growth of High Density Advanced Packages (HDAP) such as FOWLP, 2.5D/3D, chiplets and direct and hybrid bonding is triggering a convergence of the traditional IC design and IC package-design worlds. To handle these various substrate scenarios, process transformation must occur. This paper discusses three phases of HDAP design and provides tips on how to survive their challenges.

HDAP survival: how to get through Heterogeneous prototyping and planning

Surviving the new challenges posed by emerging HDAP technologies requires a process transformation that typically occurs in three phases:

  • Evaluate multi-substrate and device architectures interdependency through heterogeneous architectural prototyping and planning
  • Validate and verify the completed design before it moves to fabrication and assembly so problems and issues can be found without disrupting the current design process or methodology
  • Mitigate manufacturing-focused implementation with methodologies, processes, and tools

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