
Simcenter durability testing solution guide

Understanding road load data to optimize strength and fatigue

An engineer in the field testing heavy equipment with Simcenter rugged data acquisition hardware connected to testing software on a mobile device.

Increasing product durability is a challenge you face when combined with the pressure to make products lighter to be more energy efficient. Reducing mass and material often lead to weaker, less durable designs, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction. Balancing the tradeoffs between durability and energy efficiency can be tricky, but you don’t necessarily need to sacrifice durability. How can you understand the durability performance of multiple design variants under increasingly shortening development cycles?

End-to-end durability testing

Simcenter streamlines durability testing by integrating hardware and software, offering benefits such as increased productivity, smart load data acquisition and processing, while allowing you to set realistic durability targets. With Simcenter, you can integrate and correlate physical testing with simulation for applications in automotive & transportation, heavy equipment, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, and energy industries. Simcenter durability testing can help you with road load data acquisition, rugged data acquisition, load and fatigue analysis, accelerated life testing, optimized test schedules and laboratory testing. Read this solution guide to learn more about using Simcenter capabilities and product configurations for durability testing.



スケジューリングは得意ですか?  今すぐプレイ!

スケジューリングは得意ですか? 今すぐプレイ!

この対話型ゲームでスケジューリング力をお試しください。その後、Opcenter APSが皆様をどのようにサポートできるのか説明します。

Opcenter APSを使用した、ディスクリート (組立加工) 製造の高度な計画とスケジューリング

Opcenter APSを使用した、ディスクリート (組立加工) 製造の高度な計画とスケジューリング

Opcenter APSを使用して生産を最適化可視性を高めてWIPを低減し、OTDを向上させ、リソース使用率を改善します。