
昨日までと今日から: 産業機械に変革をもたらすデジタライゼーションとIoTの役割

IoT’s role in revolutionizing industrial machinery


パンデミックが起きたことで、OEMではデジタライゼーションの取り組みを加速し、機器を産業用IoT (Internet of Things) につなげることが、これまでになく急がれています。しかし、目下の状況に対応するだけでなく、OEMが今後も機敏に対応できるためにはIoTへの移行は避けられません。そうしなければ、絶えず変化する市場や顧客の要求、景気の変動、予期せぬ混乱にうまく対応し、イノベーションを起こし続けることができなくなるからです。


  • データの可視化と遠隔状態監視
  • 予知保全、そしてあらゆるもののサービス化 (Anything as a Service)
  • サプライチェーン管理
  • 保証と保護
  • クローズドループのデジタル・ツイン

Benefits to manufacturing equipped with IIoT connectivity

Whether your company manufactures smaller, less complex equipment or builds industrial machines, digitalization and industrial IoT connectivity offer vital benefits as you look to create a future-ready business. By adopting these capabilities, your company will be able to meet market demand and pivot quickly, regardless of the situations that arise outside your walls.

Industrial IoT-as-a-service solutions enable manufacturers to command full transparency over their operations by connecting legacy assets – products, plants, systems, machines – to a central location. This capability allows the collection of live performance data that can be added to simulations where you can more accurately test countless variables and predict how the physical product will act and respond before a single prototype is even built.

IoT platform as a service

Insights Hub is the leading industrial IoT-as-a-service solution. Using advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, Insights Hub powers IoT solutions from the edge to the cloud with data from connected products, plants, and systems to optimize operations, create better quality products and deploy new business models.

Read this e-book to learn how the industrial IoT can lead OEMs to a more future-proof state of resiliency.

In this e-book, you’ll learn:

  • Why industrial machinery OEMs need to accelerate their digitalization journey
  • The core benefits experienced with digitalization and the IoT
  • What to consider when deciding to make or buy an IoT solution

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) face many challenges when trying to implement a new digitalization strategy utilizing IoT solutions. Factors such as costs, aging equipment, and resistance to major change are examples of barriers that can inhibit a manufacturer’s digitalization adoption. The ability to connect plants, machines, and systems in a global, complex environment will be the key to success for any future disruption OEMs may encounter.

The imperative to start the industrial IoT digitalization journey has never been greater. As the world begins to face more unpredictable challenges – pandemics, weather events, changing economic conditions – the need for smart factories exponentially increases. Being nimble and prepared will be the difference between your success and decline.



医療機器のイノベーションに革命を起こす:  実行可能なデジタルツインで最適な性能を実現

医療機器のイノベーションに革命を起こす: 実行可能なデジタルツインで最適な性能を実現





医療機器向けSaaS PLMの統合型製品開発プラットフォームを有効活用

医療機器向けSaaS PLMの統合型製品開発プラットフォームを有効活用

クラウド版PLMソフトウェアを活用して、市場の複雑性を管理し、医療機器の製品開発イノベーションを加速させます。シーメンスの医療機器向けSaaS PLMについて学びましょう。