
Perfecting Your PCB with DFM (Design for Manufacturing) analysis

Design for manufacturing analysis

From layout to manufacturing and testing, a single fabrication holdup can cost a business untold amounts in lost productivity.

DFM analysis goal = first pass PCB design fabrication success

The impact of undiscovered DFM issues is costly. Today’s PCB designs can have thousands of components and connections; as such it is next to impossible to find all the possible issues with the naked eye.

From a glance, a PCB can look perfectly fine, but once sent out for fabrication a variety of issues may be discovered.

Avoiding the endless cycle of fixing and checking can become incredibly tedious and will cost a lot over time in lost production.

With DFM analysis you can avoid unexpected fabrication costs and delays

When DFM analysis is considered throughout the design flow, it helps ensure the PCB manufacturing and assembly go smoothly, stay on schedule and the end-product is of the highest quality and reliability.

This paper showcases how PADS Professional’s integrated DFM analysis allows you to identify and correct potential fabrication and assembly issues in the design database before they hit the production floor. Without DFM, you leave changes in the manufacturer’s hands, where the focus is likely on increasing yield, not on the electrical performance of the final product.

Learn more about PADS Professional Design for Manufacturing solutions.

This is one of 10 Reasons To Choose PADS Professional.

