White paper

ODB++Manufacturing: Powerful IoT-connected software for the electronics industry

Individual using digital interface.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is going to connect virtually everything. As a result, IoT is projected to provide a $36 trillion economic impact by 2051. For electronics manufacturing, the new business opportunities will be huge, but only for companies who have the digital capabilities to develop and manufacture smart, innovative products. These capabilities start with ODB++Manufacturing.

Electronics manufacturers will have many questions about what it takes to be successful in IoT. So, read the insightful White Paper below that presents a case study of a company that is finding success connecting data, machines and systems using the latest IoT technology.

Using IOT and ODB++Manufacturing to optimize electronics manufacturing

To compete and find success in electronics manufacturing for the IoT, companies must adopt smart manufacturing solutions that integrate design collaboration and manufacturing agility, decrease costs, optimize quality, and reduce time-to-market. Using an ODB++Manufacturing data exchange format, the data transferred through the IoT network is standardized reducing time while taking advantage of IoT capabilities. By doing so, electronics manufacturers open themselves up to a variety of new business opportunities and take advantage of growing market demand.

The real-world impact of IOT in Electronics

Read this white paper to learn how you can gain productivity with an IoT-connected, multi-vendor, surface mount technology (SMT) line.


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