White paper

Digital and Sustainable

IT Solutions for Environmentally Friendly Logistics

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IT Solutions for Environmentally Friendly Logistics

The digital transformation is changing workflows and business processes in the world of logistics. In this world, data provides the infrastructure for smart supply chains and the collaboration between human beings and machines. Such infrastructures are smart only when they go beyond satisfying customer needs to meet increasingly strict environmental goals.

Logistics strategies that prevent unnecessary trips and enable collaboration in global production and shipping processes play a major role in protecting the world against environmental hazards. And manufacturers and retailers increasingly expect this from their logistics service providers. Whether it’s about measuring environmental impact or optimizing transport networks: Many shippers are already demanding that their logistics service providers adopt verifiable climate-friendly strategies to reduce CO2 emissions. They also expect the more efficient use of resources to yield cost savings.

“Green logistics”, which is also cost-efficient at the same time, requires a digitally integrated supply chain. That’s what makes it possible to consolidate and share cross-enterprise data for an entirely new level of transparency across ordering and shipping processes.

As our white paper shows, a digital logistics network offers many opportunities for green logistics: By running fewer empty trucks. By making warehouses more energy-efficient. By finding reusable solutions. So let’s take the first step and make logistics a bit greener.
