Scheda informativa

A versatile, cost-efficient approach to tire modeling

Simcenter basic CAD software

Modeling tire performance requires a lot of expertise and specialization. Simcenter Tire Software allows for an accurate representation of tire performance to predict dynamic vehicle behavior. Simcenter Tire Software aims to accurately represent tire forces and moments so that they can be propagated to various vehicle performance simulations.

With Simcenter Tire Software, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers can realize cost efficiency by minimizing required tire testing for model parameterization. This standardizes modeling by making it available with all vehicle dynamic simulation packages.

Benefits to Siemens’ Simcenter Tire

Simcenter Tire Modeling Engineering services experts provide scalable help, from on-location testing to setting up tire testing protocols. Other benefits of Siemens’ Simcenter Tire include:

  • Achieve cost efficiency by minimizing required tire testing efforts for model parameterization
  • Standardizing tire modeling
  • Produce realistic, accurate tire-slip characteristics from on-road testing

Download this fact sheet to discover the parameters and benefits of Siemens’ Simcenter Tire.


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