
Model-based engineering for seamless automotive system integration

Completely digital dash display in a car with a light gray interior. The light blue display screen spans the entire dash.

The rise of software-defined vehicles (SDVs) unlocks exciting possibilities for innovation, customization, and user engagement. However, integrating complex software and hardware across diverse domains brings immense challenges.

Embrace model-based engineering, a unified approach that aligns detailed engineering with system architecture. Download the entire ebook and unlock the full potential of your SDV projects.

Harmonize SDV engineering from the system to domains

Model-based engineering unlocks this reality by bridging the gap between systems engineering and domain-specific development, fostering seamless collaboration and efficient integration. Sharing requirements, specifications, and architecture empowers them to contribute valuable insights, shaping a baseline physical architecture that meets diverse needs and overcomes hardware limitations.

Download the full ebook to explore real-world examples and dive deeper into the benefits of model-based engineering for your SDV projects.


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