
A virtual tour: Closed-loop quality from design to manufacturing

Siemens Quality Management in the digital era - connect the disconnect across the value chain

In this video, Katrin Leyh, responsible for global business development for quality management, provides an extensive explanation about the meaning of closed-loop quality and how to realize it step-by-step. After the deep dive into our vision, she will be showing a demonstration of our products’ portfolio, in which Teamcenter Quality is the core of this virtual tour. Leveraging additional elements of the Teamcenter portfolio, Teamcenter Quality provides a closed-loop approach from design to manufacturing on the shop floor and back. Siemens Quality performs functions in all stages, positively impacting product and process quality and efficiency throughout the product development process.

Watch the full video to discover the value of collaboration across the entire product lifecycle of engineering, quality, and manufacturing.


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