Document technique

Optimizing the integration of DFM and P&R

With direct write DEF, DFM engineers can back-annotate P&R databases with DFM optimizations quickly and accurately, without using database conversions.

DFM tools can help shorten design iterations, and improve yield, but they are typically not well-integrated with P&R environments. Back-annotation of DFM changes requires time-consuming database conversions from GDS/OASIS to DEF format. To support full integration with P&R tools, design verification and optimization tools must able to read and write DEF files, either through direct read/write capabilities or by using database conversion processes.

DFM optimization requires EDA tools to read P&R data in DEF format

The Calibre nmPlatform direct read DEF and direct write DEF functionalities enable core Calibre applications to read P&R design data in DEF format using rule deck operations. Direct read DEF enables LEF/DEF object and property mapping to Calibre layers, while the direct write DEF capability enables Calibre applications to write incremental or full design DEF format data directly from Calibre operations. Together, they can be used to build tightly integrated flows for P&R engineers, and enable fast, accurate back-annotation of fill, via, and net objects to P&R applications.


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