
Issue 3: Next stop... Innovation!

The theme emerging from this collection that struck a chord with me is how many of our customers are seeking to improve our day-to-day lives.

A yellow Lion electric bus.

The Lion Electric bus company used Simcenter to help design their fleet of electric vehicles, particularly for mass transit. The new electric-motor school buses are more reliable and less polluting than their ICE counterparts, ensuring students get to school on time and in cleaner air. DMS Holland working with their partners at Brabant Engineering, has developed more effective marine stabilizers to help reduce the motion that induces seasickness, making time afloat more pleasurable in even small craft.

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Ressources associées

Comment s'adapter aux besoins des clients grâce à l'agilité numérique

Comment s'adapter aux besoins des clients grâce à l'agilité numérique

Découvrez comment la fabrication flexible aide les PME à gagner en agilité

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Découvrez comment utiliser la fabrication flexible à votre avantage

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