fiche technique

Maximizing the value of your Simcenter Micred hardware

Receive top-tier support and maintain system accuracy

Electronics being tested with Simcenter Micred hardware

How can you guarantee you calibrated all your past and future measurements correctly? How can you ensure your Simcenter™ Micred™ hardware is performing optimally and accurately? How do you minimize the risk of unexpected downtime?

For Simcenter Micred hardware, which is part of the Siemens Xcelerator business platform of software, hardware and services, Siemens provides a high-quality service contract to optimize its accuracy and extend its lifetime. This document details the advantages of our extended warranty contracts.


Ressources associées

Améliorer la prédictibilité et l'efficacité de la vérification grâce au Big Data
White Paper

Améliorer la prédictibilité et l'efficacité de la vérification grâce au Big Data

Cet article porte sur la technologie, les statistiques et processus, il explore plusieurs techniques rendues possibles par une telle infrastructure.