The design of the aircraft propulsion system is key to the aircraft’s overall performance. But optimizing the propulsion system alone will not yield the full potential of innovative architectures. Improving the engine performance requires a synergistic integration of the engine system with other aircraft systems.
How can you achieve early virtual integration of the aircraft engine systems? Consistent engineering tools and processes are critical success elements.
Learn how to employ a virtual integrated engine methodology. It leverages the Simcenter portfolio to simulate all systems contributing to aero-engine performance in a single environment and thus helps tackle the challenges of designing future propulsion architectures.
You may also be interested in joining our on-demand webinar. It discusses how to create the architecture of a system simulation model, compare different levels of hybridization for a reference mission, and deploy the simulation models through a large organization. Based on the model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach, designers can assess hybrid electric configurations, with respect to engine operability, thermal management, and overall integrated performance.
Join the on-demand webinar to learn how system simulation impacts hybrid electric propulsion performance.
From selecting the right concept to assessing performance and pollutant emission and mastering the thermal management aspect, this article details how system simulation helps address the complexity inherent to hybrid-electric or electric aircraft propulsion systems. It showcases three case studies - concept selection, emission assessment, and thermal management, demonstrating how simulation helps to tackle the challenges brought by electrified aircraft propulsion. All three cases are addressed with a dynamic, multi-physics model of the complete powertrain.
Read the blog article: How electrified aircraft propulsion impacts design processes.
Join Helen Atkinson from the Cranfield University and Thierry Olbrechts from Siemens Digital Industries Software as they discuss the future of aviation and innovative method to develop new hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion systems. Watch the video testimonial.
In this video, Simcenter experts will share tips on how to unlock the capabilities of Simcenter Amesim to assess the performance of conventional and hybrid propulsion system of regional aircraft. Watch the video to learn more.
Read the white paper and understand how the virtual integrated engine methodology can help you address the following challenges: