
Increase performance engineering maturity with continuous improvement processes

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Can your heavy equipment development process keep up with advancements in automation technology? The complexity of equipment designs becomes more challenging each year, while customers continue to expect better quality and performance. Watch the video to see how you can increase your performance engineering maturity with continuous improvement processes.

To learn more about accelerating the development of advanced heavy equipment, read the ebook

Predictive analytics software for the heavy equipment industry.

Why is performance engineering important?

Performance engineering is an important part of a heavy equipment manufacturer’s design process as it allows you to:

  • Capture more real-world data
  • Test realistic scenarios
  • Close the loop with engineering
  • Improve the maturity of simulations and correlations
  • Simulate what-if scenarios
  • Leverage physical data to feed the Digital Twin

Why is validation important in engineering?

Validation is an important part of the engineering process to ensure compliance, efficiency and safety. What if you could enable rapid innovation to deliver the best possible product with shorter lead times? Discover how predictive performance engineering is the key to advancing the next generation of heavy equipment.

Interested in seeing first-hand how the software works? Our 30-day heavy equipment simulation software online trial does not require any installation. Start designing in minutes!


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