white paper

Reducing noise in high-performance electronics with 3D acoustics

Simulate fan noise and speaker performance to optimize acoustic quality

Laptop showing fan noise CFD simulation results in Simcenter 3D.

Acoustic simulation is a crucial capability for engineers developing high-performance electronics like laptops. Fan noise from cooling systems and speaker sound quality are two key aspects that significantly impact user experience. This white paper explores how Simcenter 3D, part of the Siemens Xcelerator platform, provides advanced acoustics analysis tools to simulate and optimize noise and sound performance.

The Importance of acoustics in high-performance electronics

The exponential growth in electronics performance has led to increased heat generation and the need for efficient cooling, often using fans. However, fan noise is perceived as a disturbance that degrades the user experience. At the same time, users expect laptop speakers to deliver vibrant, high-quality sound. Acoustic performance has therefore emerged as a key differentiator for premium electronics brands.

For engineers and simulation specialists tasked with developing quieter fans and better sounding speakers, finding the optimal balance is challenging. Legacy methods and physical testing alone are no longer sufficient. Fast, accurate and realistic acoustic simulation is needed to make design decisions quickly and with confidence.

Read more to understand the benefits from a user experience and simulation level.


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